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How music defines parts of ourselves

I noticed a lot of things while writing first, being it's super easy to get distracted by literally anything. I am cursed by the horrible habit of hating silence. I constantly need something playing or making noise in the background, whether it be a tv show or music something must be on. When I write, I prefer to have music just because it does not require me to pay as much attention to it. I started noticing that what I'm writing will reflect what music I end up listening too. As I mentioned in a previous post, I pour myself into my main character allowed me to express feelings, emotions, and actions that I am far too petrified to even attempt. However, one thing that I did notice is the different persona I take on the various music interest I have in a sense when I step into another character shoes and envelope their personality I give them a music taste because that's a vital part of who I am therefore it is for them too. I love the idea that I am creating multiple versi...

So I decided to write book

  Over the semester I have spent a lot of time writing not necessarily on assigned assignments for courses but as a way of expressing my self. with that I randomly decided to start writing a novel not necessarily for the many reasons people decide to write novels but for the joy of planning and I enjoy picking out the characters and deciding on their personalities and the type of story line of the novel woodfall it. with a lot Of stories many writers would urge against the idea of plotting an entire novel that the idea of plotting itself can be discouraging however planning happens to be my favorite part although while writing the novel I discovered it was more of a biography but I ended up making the main character a bit more of myself than I had originally planned when writing biography of the character her personality type her family members what she wanted to do who she wanted to be the quirky characteristics did or not necessarily seem by others because they're kept internally...

"I'm not a lair"- A writer

The human mind is truly the scariest thing of all. It away it's difficult to understand the thought process of others and its many points we find ourselves questioning how it is if someone is capable of doing a spectrum of things that we cannot even fathom. innocence there's a point in our lives when we believe that simply stealing is one of the worst possible things that we can do and as we get older things to start to change we learn more about serial killers and we have a strong belief that they're the worst of the worst however my belief is that no matter how scary the world is things that go on in our own head to scarier. What have you been writing I started to discover just how unorthodox a writer really has to think when you're writing you have to be 1000 things you aren't just a writer you're a poet a flirt a weapons expert a bleeding heart a theorist an engineer and even a reckless teenage girl you could be anything from a Dying God to a scholar. do y...

American Ripper

Jack the ripper has been a name to fear for over 30 years now however fear entails actually having someone or something to fear. As for the ripper we have a face and yet still no name making this cold case a bit more uncanny than others. The history channel has placed together with an 8 part series based on the circumstantial evidence provided by Jeff Mudget the great-grandson of Herman Mudget otherwise known as HH Holmes the notorious serial killer through the Chicago world fair in 1991. In the eight-part series, the History Channel researches the connection between Europe’s first serial killer Jack The Ripper and America’s first serial killer H.H.Homles. This series attempts to unmask jack the ripper by stating that jack fled London after the five murders to the United States to presume his identity of H.H.Holmes. This series explains that because jack left London that’s why he was never found. American Ripper uses multiple expert researchers in the field of forensic handwriting, l...

Barbie Dolls

In a sense, we are all just passing through life; we put on our makeup, we color our hair, we walk through the day hoping that someone will compliment the outfit we have chosen to shrug it off and say, "oh, this is? I just threw it together," even though we spent days coordinating the perfect outfit. The overall hope is to become walking breathing, model of a barbie, to look like the ideal woman. As previously emphasized, Mattle Corporations, the creators of the Barbie doll, are also the creators of the stereotype, the perfect body, the ideal woman. Furthermore, if a Barbie doll is to be considered the ideal version of a female, is it also to be considered than women are to spend their human lives in hopes of passing as a barbie doll.

Peter Pan

When watching the Peter Pan movies I'm sure you are thinking of several peculiar things a ticking crock, a pirate chasing after flying children, or maybe even the mermaids or fairies, However, none of these compare to the uncanny feeling of discovering what peter pan is actually about, Peter pan is meant to resemble Much like my previous post about how I wrote about my main character of the novel that I made up one of the other main characters died chosen wise Peter Pan. understandably Peter Pan is already a character would already be created given a personality type however I wanted to create another version of Peter Pan. Peter Pan is the boy who Wouldn't grow up. He made a choice and of magic or whatever decided that he was not going to get any older but if he had decided that he wanted to grow up I questioned whether or not he would Age rapidly or if you could choose to stay young and age normally I spend a lot of time trying to figure out how this version of P...

Snow White And The 7 Split Personalities

So we all know the story of Snow White. She was too pretty, so her stepmom was really jealous and ran her off to hide in the woods to live with 7 tiny men and then later tried to kill her with an apple only for necrophiliac of prince to come along kiss her corps and magically wake her up and the BAM happily ever after and for the rest of our childhoods we eat apples just in hopes that we will die and be brought back to life by a prince because nothing has ever felt more like true love, am I right?  Well, I'm here to tell you of a crazy theory that we can prove with psychology. So here is the theory:  In the real story, it turns out that Regina, AKA, the evil stepmom killer, SNow, whites mother, to marry the king. After Snow discovered she feared being murdered too and eventually started having publications and was so overcome with the fear that one night she took off to the enchanted forest where to cope with her traumatic childhood  snow-white developed 7 personal...