American Ripper

Jack the ripper has been a name to fear for over 30 years now however fear entails actually having someone or something to fear. As for the ripper we have a face and yet still no name making this cold case a bit more uncanny than others. The history channel has placed together with an 8 part series based on the circumstantial evidence provided by Jeff Mudget the great-grandson of Herman Mudget otherwise known as HH Holmes the notorious serial killer through the Chicago world fair in 1991.

In the eight-part series, the History Channel researches the connection between Europe’s first serial killer Jack The Ripper and America’s first serial killer H.H.Homles. This series attempts to unmask jack the ripper by stating that jack fled London after the five murders to the United States to presume his identity of H.H.Holmes. This series explains that because jack left London that’s why he was never found. American Ripper uses multiple expert researchers in the field of forensic handwriting, land excavation, DNA analysis, and underwater sonar. The Documentary comments on Holmes’s memoir when he states “I was born with the devil in me. I could not help the fact that I was a murderer”


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